Botulinum toxin type A is used to treat lines that have been caused by hyperactivity of the facial muscles of expression.

It works by relaxing the dynamic facial muscles that are responsible for facial wrinkles. The main areas it is used for are the frown, eye and forehead areas. After a few painless injections you can carry on your normal day and wait for lines to soften over the next 3-5 days. (maximum effect takes between 7-14 days) Our clients are always seen after 2 weeks to check that they are happy with the result and sometimes may need a top up for which there is no charge. This relaxed fresher look will stay with you for 3-6 months.

Botulinum toxin is now the UK’s no1 treatment for facial lines and wrinkles simply because it really does remove the telltale signs of ageing. The muscle is temporarily put ‘to sleep’ thus the habit of frowning or squinting is broken, reducing both the appearance of lines and the development of future lines. It is safe, quick and straight forward and can be combined with other treatments such as fillers to give you the complete facial makeover.

Wrinkle relaxation is the most popular treatment for:

> Frown Lines between the eyes
> Forehead Lines
> Crows Feet

If you would like to present a fresher, more youthful appearance to the world but don’t want to undergo invasive surgery, wrinkle relation is the treatment for you. Still the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure, it is the most effective treatment for deep wrinkles and lines.

It not only treats existing lines and wrinkles; it is also one of the only cosmetic treatments that can actually prevent lines and wrinkles from forming. The constant creasing of the skin by the underlying muscles results in permanent wrinkles. By reducing excessive facial movements it prevents wrinkles and lines from forming.

You will look fresher and younger with friends and colleagues none the wiser.

Lines and wrinkles are part of the natural process of ageing. They are caused by every day movements and expressions, sun damage, smoking and other factors such as free radicals.

It was first used in the 1970s to treat children’s squints. Its cosmetic potential was then recognised, and it has been used to treat wrinkles since 1990.

It works by temporarily reducing the contractions of the facial muscles that cause frown lines.

It is usually used on the upper third of the face, to tackle frown lines, forehead creases and crows’ feet around the eyes. Lines around the lips and corners of the mouth are also treatable. Untreated areas of the face aren’t affected, so you can still smile and frown, but the skin on the treated areas won’t wrinkle as much as usual.

Most patients have perceived benefit from the treatment within 1-2 weeks and have duration of relief ranging from 3-6 months.

How it Works (The Science Part)

Mode-of-action Highlights

At a normal neuromuscular junction, a nerve impulse triggers the release of acetylcholine, which causes the muscles to contract.

Release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction causes contraction of corrugator and procerus muscles, which over time can cause glabellar lines to form.

It is effective in reducing this activity. As it enters the nerve ending…

It blocks the release of acetylcholine, reducing the activity of corrugator and procerus muscles.


Botulinum toxin type A is used to treat lines that have been caused by hyperactivity of the facial muscles of expression.

Treating Neck Rings and the Décolleté.

This involves the horizontal lines (rings) around the neck and the décolleté (the chest). Lines in this area can be treated if the problem areas are superficial and not as a result of excessive tissue. Excessive tissue creates actual wrinkles or folds of tissue that are unsuitable for treatment. The results are better on thinner patients. The lines are subcutaneously injected (just under the skin). The lines will fade but may not go completely but most patients are very pleased with the results.

Treating Platysmal Bands

These bands (muscles) are found by ‘grinding’ down on the teeth and projecting the jaw forward. This manoeuvre should show the platysmal bands clearly, if decided that treatment would be beneficial (not so in all cases) the bands are injected, this can help improve marionette lines, improve jaw definition, reduce the prominence of bands and soften horizontal neck lines. The best candidates are those who have slender bands where the muscle can be felt with ease. Patients with a good deal of skin laxity are not generally great candidates.

Nefertiti Mini Lift

This tightens the neck and jaw line. The posterior band and under the jaw is injected. This has the effect of sharpening the jaw line.

aka excessive sweating

Axillary hyperhidrosis is often under diagnosed and under treated. It can be initially managed by antiperspirants, but if uncontrolled, botulinum toxin A is an effective solution. This can be simply administered by an appropriately trained medical aesthetic practitioner.

In primary hyperhidrosis, the cause for the excessive sweating is not known; in secondary hyperhidrosis, the primary disorder—such as pituitary or thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus or menopause—is responsible for the hyperhidrosis. Primary axillary hyperhidrosis is the most common location for excessive sweating in patients. Sweating is controlled by emotions through the limbic system and the thermo-regulatory centre in the hypothalamus. These affect the post-ganglionic sympathetic outflow of the para-spinal sympathetic chain. While the definitive cause of this condition is yet to be found, most evidence points to a hyperactive autonomic system.


Assessment of sweat stains on shirts or blouses can give a clue as to the severity of the hyperhidrosis. A mild sweat stain, 5–10cm, still confined to armpit; moderate, 10–20cm, still confined to armpit; severe, 20cm, reaching the waistline. Minor (starch-iodine) test: this is a commonly used test, but it can be rather messy. A 2% iodine solution or 10% povidone iodine antiseptic solution is applied to both the armpits and allowed to dry; corn-starch powder is then brushed on to this area. The test is positive when the light-brown colour turns dark purple as an iodine-starch complex form in the presence.

Despite nearly 1–2% of the population being affected, there s very little awareness of this problem and the resource available for its solution. There are no nationally agreed guidelines for the management of hyperhidrosis in the NHS.

Botulinum Toxin Type A

Botulinum toxin type A is a purified neurotoxin derived from clostridium botulinum. It works by blocking the release of acetylcholine at the neuro-muscular endplates of the sympathetic cholinergic nerve fibres of the sweat glands.

After mapping the involved area by the minor test, an outline is drawn out with a skin marking pen. The enclosed area is then divided into a grid pattern with each of the grid squares being approximately 1–2cm. This is because the dispersion of the botulinum toxin when placed intradermally is about 1–2cm.

Most patients have a perceived benefit from the treatment within 1–2 weeks and have duration of relief ranging from 6–18 months.


The main contraindications include an allergy to an ingredient of the formulation; rare neurological diseases such as Myasthenia Gravis,

Eaton Lambert syndrome; presence of infection at the site; lactating mother, or pregnancy.

Less than 1% of the patients experience any kind of side effects. The most common are compensatory hyperhidrosis (an increase in non-axillary sweating), injection site pain, hot flushes, body odour, pruritus and rash.

Book a free no obligation consultation now, let us show you how you can benefit from an improved appearance and the self confidence that can bring.